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Your best resource for adult and pediatric vaccine information
1. Flu and Covid vaccine are now recommended each fall for all children and adults 6 months and older.
2. The shingles (SHINGRIX) vaccine works! This 2-shot series is recommended for everyone 50 years and older, even if you had the old shingles vaccine. The 2nd dose is given 2-6 months after the first dose.
3. We offer nine vaccines for our patients: COVID-19 (COMIRNATY, Pfizer, mRNA for those 12 years and older), Human Papilloma Virus/HPV (GARDASIL 9), Influenza (FLUAD, Fluarix and FluMist), Meningitis/Men ACWY (MENVEO) and Meningitis/Men B (BEXSERO), Prevnar 20, RSV (ABRYSVO), Shingles (SHINGRIX) and Tdap (BOOSTRIX).
4. Gardasil-9 (HPV) vaccine is now FDA-approved up to age 45 years. This 3-shot vaccine series (only 2 shots if started < 15 years of age) is recommended for everyone 9-26 years of age. Those 27-45 years should consider getting it.
5. We invite the Mid-South community to receive their vaccines with no appointment required during our office hours! You do not have to be a patient of our clinic. Almost all insurance plans cover vaccines 100%, so it's FREE!
The production of a few vaccines, including those for varicella, rubella, hepatitis A, and one of the COVID-19 vaccines (Janssen, Johnson & Johnson) involves growing the viruses in human cell culture. Two human cell lines provide the cell cultures needed for producing vaccines; these lines were developed from two legally aborted fetuses in the 1960s. These cell lines are maintained to have an indefinite life span. No fetal tissue has been added since the cell lines were originally created. Some patients are concerned about this issue because of misinformation they have encountered on the Internet. Two such untrue statements are that ongoing abortions are needed to manufacture vaccines and vaccines are contaminated with fetal tissue.
Patients can read the facts and several thought-provoking articles about this issue at and then make an informed decision.
A Catholic Pontifical Academy for Life statement that Catholic parents have no general obligation to refuse permission for these vaccines is summarized at
Some patients request that we space out their vaccinations because they are concerned that receiving multiple vaccinations at a single office visit might overwhelm their immune system. What do you think about using alternative schedules?
Vaccine recommendations are determined after extensive studies in large clinical trials. They include studies on how vaccine recipients respond to multiple vaccines given simultaneously. The overall aim is to provide early protection for infants, children and adults against vaccine-preventable diseases that could endanger their health and life.
No scientific evidence exists to support that delaying vaccinations or separating them into individual antigens is beneficial. Rather, this practice prolongs susceptibility to disease, which could result in a greater likelihood of becoming sick with a serious or life-threatening disease. There could also be added expense (e.g., multiple office visits), additional time off from work, and increased likelihood that you will fail to get all necessary vaccinations.
As the name implies, VAERS is a nationwide system for monitoring adverse events following vaccination. VAERS is operated jointly by the FDA and the CDC since 1990.
How do I report an adverse event to VAERS?
Reports can be submitted online through the VAERS website or by completing and uploading a writable PDF VAERS report form. Both options can be accessed on the VAERS website at If you need further assistance with reporting to VAERS, please email or call 1-800-822-7967.
1. Tdap: every 10 years
2. Influenza: annually in the fall but no later than the end of October
3. Meningitis B: 3 dose primary series at 0, 1-2 and 6 months, booster 1 year later, then subsequent doses every 2-3 years
4. Meningitis ACWY: initial 2 dose series separated by at least 8 weeks then every 5 year booster dose
5. Hib: one dose after spleen is removed
6. Pneumonia, PREVNAR 20: one dose for 18-65 years then again at age 65 yrs at least 5 years from the first
A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold. Proverbs 22:1
We are a veteran-owned business #GOAIRFORCE MEMPHIS ALLERGY
Let everyone else call your idea crazy...just keep going. Don't stop. Don't even think about stopping until you get there, and don't give much thought to where "there" is. Whatever comes, just don't stop. -Phil Knight, Founder Nike, 1962
Do you see a man skillful in his work? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before obscure men. Proverbs 22:29
Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. -Steve Jobs
Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen. -Michael Jordan
In essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, in all things charity. -Rupertus Meldenius, 1627
Hope is not a strategy. - Rudy Giuliani