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What better way to magnify one's impact on a national level than to share best practices with other practices around the country? With this mission, Dr. Mike Tankersley can assist your practice in implementing Lean Six-Sigma methods in all areas of your practice.
After a 22 year career as an Air Force clinical and academic allergist/immunologist, 18 months in a large 11 provider metropolitan allergy practice, and 2 years in a University allergy/immunology practice, Dr. Tankersley embarked upon starting his own solo allergy practice in January 2018. Equipped with an MBA from the Physician Executive MBA program from the University of Tennessee, he purposefully chose to run every facet of his practice in-house to master each aspect of the clinic. His goal was simple: to run the most efficient, highest quality practice in the nation providing the full scope of allergy/immunology care. After receiving numerous requests from allergists around the nation to answer questions and assist in starting and running their own practices, his passion for sharing best practices and practice management strategies with other US allergists/immunologists led him in 2021 to start his own consulting firm within The Tankersley Clinic, PLLC. He is a frequent speaker on a national level on practice management topics for the practicing allergist and has served on the practice management committees for his national organizations.
Mike Tankersley, MD, MBA
Jessie Tankersley, BS
Rebecca Tankersley, BSN, RN-BC
Andrew Tankersley, MA
Rachel Tankersley
Purpose: To empower and support the practicing allergist/immunologist by ensuring the highest level of medical care is provided to patients in the most efficient manner utilizing best-practices and lean six-sigma healthcare principles. Offering innovative business concepts for healthcare facilities and systems that support patient-focused strategies, we are the only allergy/immunology performance improvement consulting practice in the US.
Vision: To elevate the quality and level of care delivered to patients in the United States by fellowship-trained, board-certified allergists locally, regionally and nationally.
Core Values: Integrity, Service Before Self and Excellence in All We Do
Target audience: Limited to fellowship-trained, board-certified allergists/immunologists only. We recommend advanced practice providers, practice managers and others attend the Annual AAAAI Practice Management Workshop (for more info, see and/or the ACAAI Practice Management Program (held on Friday at the annual meeting, see
Consultant fees: Inquire for pricing
Location: sessions are performed virtually with video teleconference. For those desiring to travel to the Memphis area for in-person sessions, contact us for details to maximize your time in the Bluff City!
Discounts: a 10% discount is provided to allergists that are military veterans. We are a veteran-owned business and appreciate the sacrifices and service of those who have served our country.
Scheduling: Contact our COO, Jessie Tankersley, at with preferred dates, times and topics
Dr. Tankersley can help you maximize the use of any EMR with templates, efficiency tools, enhanced documentation methods and techniques that will put your medical notes in the top 10%. He can provide specific advice as it pertains to the EMR that he utilizes within The Tankersley Clinic.
Want an efficient system revenue cycle management? Want a better way to interface with payers on disputed claims? Want visibility of rejected claims? Confused by the insurance industry's rejection of certain codes? For those wanting to understand billing and coding at a deeper level, Dr. Tankersley can assist with the initial implementation and utilization of your specific billing software as you address these issues. General advice can be provided concerning principles applicable for any billing software with specific experience with the software used by our practice.
One of modern medicine's greatest advances is the development of vaccines. Unique to Dr. Tankersley's career as an Air Force allergist/immunogist, he provided oversight for military immunizations delivery. Dr. Tankersley provides 9 different vaccines in his private practice and will help you stand-up an immunizations product line so your patients receive the point-of-service immunizations delivery they deserve.
Not offering this to your patients? Limited to using the T.R.U.E. TEST and wanting to provide your patients with a more complete panel to address their condition? Skin care would be incomplete without offering the diagnostic capability in your practice with patch testing. Dermatitis is a common presenting complaint, and patch testing equips your practice to differentiate between irritant and allergic contact dermatitis (ACD). Utilizing an 80 allergen panel, Dr. Tankersley will facilitate standing up this product line in your practice. Patch test techniques for diagnosing ACD have been used for over 100 years.
Thinking about offering OIT to your patient population? Wanting to start OIT and offer Palforzia to your patients? Comfortable with the success you have seen with Palforzia and wanting to add additional foods? Since 2020, Dr. Tankersley have been offering OIT with a variety of foods in his private practice. He can assist your practice in introducing this valuable service to the patients you serve.
Opening a new practice? Taking over an existing practice and wanting to transition some of the "old school" practices to effective doses that will maximize your patient's care and reap dividends for the time they invest in receiving this treatment modality? As a national leader in the field of allergen immunotherapy, Dr. Tankersley can assist your practice in the selection of skin testing allergens, skin test devices and formulating SCIT prescriptions and schedules (conventional and cluster) that can revolutionize your delivery of SCIT.
Are you a fellow motivated to start your own practice upon graduation? Are you tired of the bureaucracy and inefficiencies of the system you are currently working? Are you in a private practice where you feel like things could be markedly improved but no one but you seems interested in process improvement? Taking over an existing practice? Since founding and opening his own solo practice in 2018, Dr. Tankersley has the knowledge and experience you need to successfully achieve the independence you want with your own practice.
As a board-certified Allergist/Immunologist with over 25 years experience, Dr. Tankersley lives the life of an allergist on a daily basis and will have an insider's perspective for allergy fellows considering job opportunities and desiring contract review by Dr. Tankersley and coaching/mentorship.
Using his own practice as an incubator for ideas, increasing efficiency and enhancing safety, Dr. Tankersley brings his clinical experience and business background to serve you in a consultant relationship.
Contact our COO, Jessie Tankersley, at to schedule your initial consultation or if you have questions not answered by this page. Dr. Tankersley works specifically with physicians. While a physician may have their practice manager/office staff on consultant interactions, the physician is required to participate. Dr. Tankersley believes engaged physicians involved in the management of their practices provide the best medical care to the patients they serve.
List of topics provided upon request. All topics will utilize Lean Six-Sigma healthcare principles and include charting, templates and coding details backed by Dr. Tankersley's 25+ years of allergy experience.
Do you have a topic you would like to discuss with Dr. Tankersley? Just ask and we can let you know if he can help!
Have a group of five or more allergists? We offer a weekend practice management conference with CME credits in Memphis. We'll put you up at The Bass Pro Shop's Big Cypress Lodge which will serve as the conference headquarters site. Make it a family weekend with your family enjoying all that Memphis has to offer while you attend the conference. You'll enjoy a catered BBQ dinner in Dr. Tankersley's downtown Memphis office on historic Main Street on Friday night to kick-off the weekend and visit the world famous Rendezvous restaurant for dinner Saturday night. Lodging and food is included in your conference fee. The conference concludes Sunday at noon. This is for board-certified allergists/immunologists only. Contact us for further details.
A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold. Proverbs 22:1
We are a veteran-owned business #GOAIRFORCE MEMPHIS ALLERGY
Let everyone else call your idea crazy...just keep going. Don't stop. Don't even think about stopping until you get there, and don't give much thought to where "there" is. Whatever comes, just don't stop. -Phil Knight, Founder Nike, 1962
Do you see a man skillful in his work? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before obscure men. Proverbs 22:29
Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. -Steve Jobs
Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen. -Michael Jordan
In essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, in all things charity. -Rupertus Meldenius, 1627
Hope is not a strategy. - Rudy Giuliani